NaNoWriMo– finished!
I must say November and participating in NaNoWriMo has been an adventure. Today I was telling a fellow writer about a friend who asked me if I would ever write a novel. That was a few years ago. I said … Continue reading →
I must say November and participating in NaNoWriMo has been an adventure. Today I was telling a fellow writer about a friend who asked me if I would ever write a novel. That was a few years ago. I said … Continue reading →
I’ve been reading, but not reporting. Life is rather full. I’ve read quite a few books since replying initially to the Awesome Author Challenge by at home with books. One of those books was My Sister’s Keeper, by Jodi Picoult. … Continue reading →
Can you go into a library and leave without one? Not me– well, unless I’ m returning books in haste before the due date. How about the book store? My book piles, at any time, can include a bit of … Continue reading →
May 6, 2010. Successful launch in Kitchener Rain changed to sun and hopes for a good attendance were realized on Saturday afternoon for the Kitchener launch of Grandmothers’ Necklace at St. Philip’s Lutheran Church on Woodhaven Road. People came from … Continue reading →
Tomorrow—May 1st— the Kitchener launch of Grandmothers’ Necklace at St. Philip’s Lutheran Church, 236 Woodhaven Road, Kitchener ON. Map here. The launch runs from 2-4pm, with readings by local contributors during the first hour, then refreshments provided by Omas Siskona, … Continue reading →
Organizing a book launch is a new and interesting experience. It’s an opportunity to tell many people about a book that I’m excited about. The book is full of stories and poems from over 61 professional and gifted writers who … Continue reading →
Imagine that you’re a grandmother having to raise four or more grandchildren on what little income you have. How will you feed and clothe them? Pay their tuition for school? That’s the position of sub-Saharan grandmothers who are raising their … Continue reading →
March 12, 2010 In December, I signed up for the Awesome Author Challenge. I committted to reading three books, giving a brief review, and linking back to at home with books. I’ll likely read more, but I’ll start with three. … Continue reading →
My friend Audrianna told me awhile back that her two daughters had auditioned and got parts for a stage play of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. It seems that both girls were familiar with the story. One had read the book at school and … Continue reading →
A year ago, we finally had enough children in our Sunday School to put on a play, and perhaps because we had so many little ones, staging the Christmas pageant seemed a little too challenging or daunting. Our director, a … Continue reading →