A Baby is Born in Bethlehem.
On Christmas Day, Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Saviour.
Yesterday I chose my own topic, to commemorate someone I knew. Today I’m going back to the WordPress Daily Prompt, The Early Years: Write page three of your autobiography. Photo: My one-room school was converted to apartments by the time I … Continue reading →
Instead of using the WordPress prompt today, I will pay respects to someone I know who died earlier this week. Darleen (on right) with Georgina Green ( photo used … Continue reading →
Daily Prompt: That Stings! Franz Kafka said, “We ought to read only books that bite and sting us.” What’s the last thing you read that bit and stung you? Recently, after my nineteen-year-old niece’s presentation about her trip to Ecuador with … Continue reading →
Today’s Challenge from WordPress December 27, 2012. Your personal sculptor is carving a person, thing or event from the last year of your life. What’s the statue of and what makes it so significant? Has Michelangelo come back to life … Continue reading →
Continuing with the WordPress challenge to post something every day for a week. This was the inspiration for Christmas Day, but I had a better idea then. At noon today, take a pause in what you’re doing or thinking about. … Continue reading →
A Baby is Born in Bethlehem.
On Christmas Day, Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Saviour.
The stable awaits and our hearts prepare for the celebration of a special baby. May the Christ Child come to you this season and bring you hope and cheer, and may … Continue reading →
That’s it, I’ve taken a challenge for the week, to write something here every day. And here’s the prompt that I’ll start with ( from Dec. 23) If you were asked to spend a year living in a different location, … Continue reading →
The story of last Friday’s tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, continues in the news. More details come out, but we are not much, if any, closer to the why. My heart is heavy, seeing all those young faces in the newspaper. … Continue reading →
Ardena and William Herlick Years after my maternal grandmother died, I found myself in the middle of a project—organizing a family cookbook. The initial spark came from a family Christmas gathering in late November 2009. We cousins put our heads … Continue reading →