A Time for Everything
The air cools and the trees turn colour. A very pretty time of year before the leaves drop and the wind blows colder. It’s also when people spend more time indoors, once the outdoor work is done. Once the lawn mower gets a rest, and gardens are cleaned up in preparation for winter. We get out our warm winter clothing and consider the winter tires for our car, hopefully before the snow starts to fly.
It reminds me of the productive time of our lives before we slow down for retirement. When we observe the blessings and give thanks for those special people in our lives and the celebrations that a longer life invites.
It’s also time to consider what we need for the next stage of our lives. Health care, accommodations, and support for a loved one who needs more care.
The philosopher in Ecclesiastes 3 says it best:
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot…”
There is more the philosopher says. Read the whole chapter here.
This month I wish to focus on the things we can prepare for and those we cannot. There is a time to plant. We can do that. There is harvest time, when we uproot garden plants, harvest the crop and go the ‘no till’ plan, leaving the plants to die down. We can do that too.
The things we don’t always prepare well for are harder, and some circumstances come about without our help. We don’t know the number of our days, but living the best while we can is certainly within our reach.
Someone commented recently, “Thanks for checking in. We appreciate it.” I would want that if it were me going through an illness, injury, or bereavement, and so I try to do that for others when I can. Like sitting by the bed of my friend in palliative care.
What can you do to make this life the best it can be that brings a smile or word of appreciation? A phone call may be welcomed, if that’s what you can do.
Let’s share God’s love, and the hope we have, with those around us in the time we have.