Case of the Sticky Notes
My husband loves sticky notes. He puts them on my planner to remind me of his appointments (rather than writing them in my book).
And I leave him notes as well, only not always on sticky notes. When I go for a walk and he’s napping (happens often), so he knows where I am when he gets up. When I go on an errand and he’s napping, likewise. I use whatever note paper is next to the telephone. A list paper of some sort. I can write bigger so he can actually read it.
Well one day, he’d come to his last sticky note on his desk, the last unused one. And he wondered when I was going out, if I would get him more. Sure, no problem. He likes paper supplies like I appreciate my notebooks.
I can get these things either at the dollar store or at the office supply place. There’s a whole rack of different sizes, colours and sticky notes for nearly every occasion. Enough to make your head spin, well almost.
Post it notes, by some ambitious inventors who probably needed little reminders about things they needed to do or places they needed to go. On reading the story, initially it was used to share notes around their office. Maybe their partners liked them too, handy reminders of jobs that needed to be done around home.
When I started editing, my tutor said that sticky notes were wonderful for attaching on the edges of manuscript pages where changes needed to happen. She added tape so they wouldn’t fall off or get lost in the mail.
That was my first biggest use of sticky notes and it didn’t matter which brand. And it still doesn’t, really. As long as it sticks long enough to get the message across. And the tiny ones that show where I left off reading a book. Mostly I use bookmarks. They don’t get lost and no tape allowed.
I know of a family who uses small notes around their home to stick up Bible verses. To remind them of certain ones they’re learning. Another use for sticky notes? Perhaps, for a short verse.
Silver and Fry’s results? “Theirs was a product nobody thought they needed until they did.”
I don’t know about you, but I use whatever is handy to write a little note when I’m going out and my other half is snoring. We have those long list-like papers that a certain real estate agent drops off every so often. While it might remind us that she’d like to sell our house (we’re not interested and we have a family connection), they make great grocery lists and note paper when the sticky notes are a little small. And my husband also uses the backs of envelopes from bills and other such letters.
And so I bought a package of Post-it notes for my husband, and guess what was stuck to my planner yesterday? A note about an appointment that needs changing. Not sure why it was there since the appointment won’t be on that day anyway. It’s full.
Maybe, if you print small enough and can still read it with your glasses on, it might make a handy reminder of a verse or quote you want to memorize. Enough about sticky notes.