It’s a new year, this 2020
I had the privilege of working with Deborah Pryce, an artist I consider a good friend, for the cover of my poetry book, and with Glynis Belec and Amanda Belec Belec at Angel Hope Publishing for Piece by Piece. Each one of them professional and good to work with.
Last year, 2019, had its challenges, including missing Mom who had died the October before. I also moved this blog to my own domain, right here. That was a complicated operation, in my mind anyway.
It was also a good year for my writing and publishing for I had two books come out. Piece by Piece in late February and Travelling Light in September. It also included newsletter writing, social media promotion and a book launch. As well, several well attended events where I spoke and sold my books.
Development as a writer never ends, it seems. Just when I’m nearly done a project, something else comes along to invite me in another direction. It’s come in various packages: a writer’s retreat, a conference where I’d present and ideas for another book… or two. And Toastmasters projects and editing work all mixed in. And I’m still learning.
It was a steady year for my work and that was a good thing, working on a variety of projects, spending time with family and friends in between just made it that much better. My grandchildren are growing and showing interest in sports and their school events and education.
Beginning in the summer, I went back to my scrapbooking and created an album of photos for each of our five grandchildren. Had it done just in time for Christmas as I intended, but with little extra time to spare.
And now it’s 2020 and I wonder how this year will lay out.
Do you have any special plans for the year?