On the Way to Bethlehem

In the Christian church, we mark Advent before celebrating Christmas. It’s a time of preparation of our minds and hearts for the birth of the Christ Child.
As I think on the journey of Mary and Joseph to their destination of Bethlehem so close to Jesus’ birth, I wonder if they asked themselves if they were ready for this child. If they worried about the next steps. And this is where those thoughts took me.
On the Way to Bethlehem
I ponder the thoughts that may have run through Joseph and Mary’s minds on their long trek to Bethlehem. Over rocky roads, around hills, none of it smooth, and Mary pregnant and close to the baby’s birth. Did they camp in safe places? Would God protect them?
What do you suppose was on their minds? Would there be someone to help Mary when the birth was imminent? Surely there would be, but they knew no one, except for cousin Elizabeth who was already caring for her infant son. Would an innkeeper even know or care? So many others passed them on the road to Bethlehem. Would there still be rooms by the time they got there? Their donkey could only walk so fast and Mary was in no condition to walk far.
Did they worry like we might on such a journey?
In our time many of us have maps and GPS on our phone, and we can book rooms ahead of time. Mary and Joseph had no such luxury.
We might travel with others, or go to a place we already know something about. All Mary and Joseph knew was that Roman soldiers were everywhere and thieves and robbers hung around the hills. They’d been warned.
Of course they knew that this was God’s child and that they’d take care of the baby and raise him the best they could. They knew the prophecy. Would they be equipped to provide all he needed? People in their village already doubted the birth. Would there be other trouble ahead?
We can’t fault Mary and Joseph if they did worry. They were humans, after all, and humans have a tendency to do that. We know because we do it too. Still they might have felt the assurance and some protection over them and this special baby, yet to be born. They would do their best and let God lead them.
God brought them safely to Bethlehem and they had a place, if not in the inn. There Jesus was born. We know the rest of the story.
We, too, can do our best, ask God to lead us in situations where we’re doubting or unsure. Prayer is a powerful thing, if we just ask. We may not always get the answer we hoped for, but we will get what we need.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 (NIV)