Our Canadian Winter

They love the snow (photo by a daughter)
Our winter, for anyone unfamiliar with Canada, begins anywhere from mid- to late-November, depending on the latitude. Far north the winter will set in sooner when the days get shorter and the nights feel longer. And I guess they would be.
In southwestern Ontario, we get quite a variance with very cold temperatures beginning sometimes at Halloween and going until later November when the snow might come to stay. Even that varies.
The year we bought our current home, we had no snow and I raked the leaves from the front lawn (to discover very little grass) three days before Christmas.
This winter we definitely had a white Christmas, still safe for anyone who needed to travel to care for a loved one (as essential and approved caregiver) or for those with essential work shifts.
And so today I will just share some of the winter wonder photos I’ve taken and the opening to one of my winter poetry blog posts.

snow-covered sedum

front garden perennial

on a frosty winter morn

snow makes pattern on trellis

paw prints in snow
And a post about winter in my poetry blog:
Today it’s snowing, just the light snowflakes borne by the wind. Tracks in my backyard make me think that some rabbits in the neighbourhood had quite a time in the crisp clean snow. We could ask, what if they had a party out there, but I think this was a smaller gathering or one rabbit frolicking around having fun, making his own tracks.
Then I think of fields covered with snow and of corn stalk stubble showing through. …
Read more here.
Lovely. And you’ve captured it well with the photos! I say bring on the spring, but reading this makes me stop and appreciate the winter a little bit more …
Thank you, Glynis. One more last winter post and then hope the next one will be about spring.