In this time: a day of sunshine

Neighbour Spencer Hauck’s crocuses
Income tax papers submitted, inventory counted, and a client’s work well on the way, I finally had time to read Nina Spencer’s well written article, “Lessons From the Freeway and Beyond: Making Space for Grace.” It seemed so fitting that I want share it with my family and a couple of friends.
I wrote back to her this morning to say how perfect it was for this time, as someone else had written to her. She gave permission to share it. See next post.
Our daughter had called ahead yesterday to see if we could sit on our front porch for a bit and visit when they came by. I’d emailed about dropping off the children’s Easter surprise, and they had a surprise for us.
Our eldest daughter has been teaching her two young children (3, 5) some dance moves and yesterday they came to “perform” on our driveway. Adrienne had a small speaker tucked under her arm that was attached to her cell phone. She had selections saved that the children had been using for their practising, and she turned it on once the children found their spot to start.
We had no idea about the dancing that was about to take place. Three or four different tunes, dancing on driveway and sometimes on the lawn. That was a lovely surprise that filled our day with even more sunshine. We had no hugs but we did have distant high fives as we blew kisses when they were ready to climb in their van and return home.

The dancers
Early March I had Easter surprises (but not candy), ready for all our grandchildren. I’m so glad I did that. The bag was ready and sitting on the steps so that my daughter could pick up it up and they could look into later at home.
I sent the other three grandchildren’s gifts when our other two daughters did a grocery run for us. Outside our front door on the porch is the designated pick-up and drop-off spot.
The older two granddaughters use Face time, so they send messages to me and I get to see them, and hear them, on screen about once a week. And I’ve used the same media to tell and read bedtime stories to the other three-year-old grandson in the last two weeks.
It is hard not to see them and sometimes breaks my heart, but we’re doing all in our power to flatten the COVID-19 curve. Perhaps some day we’ll look back at all the lessons and I hope we’ll have a kinder world. For now, we’re doing one day at a time.
The only place I’ve gone has been for a walk in our neighbourhood while keeping that “hockey stick” distance between me and others. And the car has had a good rest.
Take care and stay safe.

promises of spring
Glad to hear about your family. We are also face timing with our Granddaughter. She is learning to read and reads us a story each time.
Glad that yourgranddaughter reads to you. It’s good practice.
Our little piano player plays for me when she calls. Nice to hear that her teacher is taking her lessons online.