Spring is really coming and minding health
I’ve been out for solitary walks, minding the social distance. I see the occasional couple walking together, a parent and child or an adult walking a dog. We all still need exercise in some way.
I hear birds singing, and yesterday saw a small bird minding a nest. Although I did get a photo of bird and nest I was at first unable to post that photo (but figured it out with a little help) so you can picture a small brown bird balancing on a small branch in the high part of a tree, and a nest not far from it with a blue sky above. The sun was out and there were few clouds.
And I saw robins hip-hopping around on the ground and squirrels digging in various places looking for food. And an empty playground where normally children would play. There’s a sign out now saying not to play there that the playground is closed though the equipment still stands. Parents can read and they must protect their small ones and so they play at home.
Needing to check my flower beds, and pulling out my cell phone, I snapped photos of the hyacinth and daffodil stems whose heads are filling and getting ready to burst forth in bloom. Parsley is making its way through the ground and poking up small bits of leaves.

empty playground March 2020
I am grateful to have our own home with a small lot so I can be outside even when I’m not walking. And I am grateful for friends who call and check in, and I’ve been doing the same.
The hardest thing about all this virus, that we absolutely must cooperate with, is not seeing my family other than at a distance when they deliver food items or connect with a video call. Missing those grandkid hugs too.
What exercise are you getting?
What are you doing to pass this time? How are you coping?