Crossing Paths with a Former Toastmaster

Trillium Lutheran Church

All those stained-glass windows
Today I attended a choir concert in a beautifully decorated Lutheran church for a choir concert. It was a fabulous offering of Christmas music with opportunities for the audience to sing too. I’d gone because I knew someone who sang in that choir—our own music director from St. Stephen’s.
I looked through the program wondering if I’d know anyone else. And I did. Several names including Helen’s name. The Menno Singers have been performing for some time, and I wondered if this was the same lady I’d met in the Energetics club years ago when I was a relatively new member. While I enjoyed the music, I scanned the group of singers, wondering if I’d still recognize her as I did a few others in the choir.
Both the adult and youth choir were accompanied by amazing pianists and their own artistic directors. I noticed that a number of pieces were unaccompanied. The singers got a few first notes and then were off into a cappella singing that was both powerful and melodic. Beautiful. Mennonite choirs are known for their a cappella selections, I knew that already and was not disappointed.

Today’s program

Program selections
In the last section of the concert, the adult choir joined the youth at the front of the church, and that was when I spotted Helen moving into her place. She hadn’t changed much, and looked attractive in her performance attire.
At the refreshment time, I went looking for her and found her.
She said, “Where do I know you from?”
When I said from Toastmasters, a look of relief passed over her face, and a kindness that went with it. She admitted to not being good with names, but she remembered me.
We sat together for a bit and shared what we’d been doing since we last met. She’d encountered significant health challenges but was doing well now. She’s using her skills gained in Toastmasters to do presentations for work and conference-related events, and she’s enjoying being in the choir. Singing agrees with her evidently and is good thing for her health as well.
We chatted about our families and our activities that keep us engaged in life, about kids and grandkids, and I invited her to get in touch or follow my blog or on Facebook. I hope we’ll connect again, because it was a good thing. As well as enjoying an amazing concert.