Books I’ve Read
Just because it’s summer and some folks have more time to read, I’m sharing two books I’ve read.
In June, I exchanged books with fellow author Angelina Fast-Vlaar. She wanted a copy of my book, Piece by Piece, and I, for sure, wanted to read hers.
Angelina had looked after her second husband Joe during his years with Alzheimer’s. She shares the touching moments when Joe was as she’d known him, kind and sensitive, and she also describes moments when the disease changed him into someone she didn’t know. It’s heart-wrenching at times and tender in others as she cares for him. So well written.
I’d recommend this book to caregivers, knowing that each person affected by the disease is different. I read it to better understand someone I know.
Here’s a book I read several years ago, The Gift of an Elephant, by Jacquie Gauthier. I learned that the author had reworked her manuscript further. I’d worked with her in earlier stages and was glad to hear the book was published.
Here’s what’s on the back of the book:
When Canadian Jacquie Gauthier was a young girl, she received a souvenir of Africa from her Great-Uncle Ernest — a tiny ebony carving of an elephant. She couldn’t have guessed that such a seemingly small gift would lead her to Africa and the love of her life.
It’s a beautifully written book. Jacquie has gone on to publish another book. Here’s a website about her and how she came to live in Africa.
I hope to read the next one too, when my current stack of to-be-read books does down a notch or two.
Pick up a book and read today, for entertainment or learning.