Coming: Piece by Piece

Today my publisher and I made the last few scans of the pdf for my book, Piece by Piece. We’d done the careful combing through more than a week ago and further refined some pieces of the text and layout.
It’s been another learning experience about the way a file of content goes and also working with the printer to make sure everything is sitting well and ready to go to print.
It’s best to take that extra few time to look over the manuscript and make sure everything is as it should be. Fortunately I have a good publisher at Angel Hope Publishing who knows the program and how it should work. Glynis also has an amazing daughter, Amanda, who helps her with the graphic design part of the process.
I’m delighted to show off the cover and will make an announcement when the books are available for purchase. Here’s the back cover copy:
Piece by Piece is a narrative on life with family, friends and the world around us with all its twists and turns, sorrows and joys. Sometimes resembling pieces of a quilt that make up a harmonious whole.
I’m taking pre-orders, so speak for your copy. Contact me through my website:
I love the book cover and the concept that the stories are like a quilt just waiting to be stitched together. Good luck with your launch.
Thank you, Charlotte. I’m delighted with it as well. I’ll share news of my launch once I have books in hand. That’s when I’ll plan it. 🙂