Happy birthday, Dad

Dear Dad,
Did you ever think about one day being a parent, how different life could be? Did you plan for all the activities you would introduce to us? And might you have guessed you’d outlive your parents by this many years?
We celebrate you for who you’ve been to us:
A kind father who made time to play with us, build sandbox and swing set, teeter totter (and replace those boards later), not to mention teaching us to skate and play baseball, two of your favourite activities. We had fun doing it too, and it was always good for an activity when we had certain company.
A father who taught us many things such as the names of trees, plants and flowers and who made a celebration of going to the bush each spring to pick flowers (the abundant ones we could pick) for Mother’s Day.
A hero who taught us it’s okay to make time for fun, to laugh and that crying is not shameful but a very real part of life sometimes.
A father who taught us to drive the riding lawnmower, the tractors, the truck and a car, and who taught us how to operate machinery safely because you wanted us to be safe and around for a long time.
A father who was a good role model and loved our mother. He was faithful and showed us, as Mom did, that it’s sometimes good to put others first and help them out in need. We saw the results of that later when the tornado hit, how neighbours worked together to help each other out, and Mom and Dad received too.
A person with a good sense of humour but who also valued who we were as individuals and never asked us to be anything but ourselves. And a person who can now enjoy seeing his grand and great-grand children and can enjoy a good visit, jig saw puzzles and a good show on television.
Happy Birthday, Dad. We love you very much. I hope you know just how much.

A beautiful greeting for your father, Carolyn. A good father is a priceless thing. God’s endless blessings on you and your father. And all your family. 🙂
Thank you, Diana. I printed a copy of this blog for him to read offline. He doesn’t do computers.