Psychology about shopping– and it’s time to shop
These science-backed secrets reveal why and how you spend, to help you become a more mindful shopper; this is the subtitle of Lauren Gelman‘s article.
My mother, after all, taught me a few tricks about shopping, one being don’t take your children shopping (except if they have to try on shoes, perhaps); and I’ve learned since that grocery shopping on an empty stomach may be one of the worst enemies of someone trying to mind their food intake (thanks to Weight Watchers for this tip). I’m sure I can come up with more than the attraction of holiday music and the store that’s been decorated since Halloween. Those who work in malls may be very tired of “Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town” even before Christmas Eve arrives, at least that’s what my daughter said when she worked retail over the holidays.
Now if you’re just going to have coffee with a friend and you’ve got your shopping done, you can listen to the holiday music as much as you want or tune out the music while catching up.
Perhaps this article will help you keep your sanity and enjoy Christmas, because it’s not just about the gifts you get. There really is more to it. More about that in an upcoming post.