Storytelling in Cambridge–A First Friday
For the Baden Storytellers Guild, who have a new home at the Button Factory, First Friday will often slip from our lips and then we correct ourselves and say Second Friday, for our place and time changed when the Story Barn closed. We miss the Story Barn, of course, but we have made The Button Factory our new home and the Button Factory has welcomed us too. The night is still called Stories Aloud, but now also Second Friday.
On Friday, May 2nd, Michele Braniff, Artist in residence at Cambridge Centre of the Arts and a member of the Baden Guild, brings First Friday to Cambridge. Michele and fellow tellers of the Baden Guild will bring stories about urban life, stories of local colour, and stories inspired by Michele’s urban life sketches. It’s going to be a good night, so come and join us!
Michele at the ticket table on World Storytelling Day concert at the Waterloo Region Museum with her brochures for the Cambridge events
For directions to the Centre, go here.