Baptism is like anointing
The pastor, impressed at the boy’s answer, said,” Welcome to Theology 101.” Only that was not the number he said as I didn’t write it down. He went on with his message and then after a prayer around the baptismal font, released the children to go to Sunday School or to be with their parents.
Our lesson, not matching the liturgy for the day, nevertheless quite fitting, was the story of David being chosen as the next king of Israel. [Read the story below picture]
Deb, the Sunday School teacher, introduced the story and asked children to read the story on the lesson pages. She talked about anointing and what would be used, including discussion about what kind of oil, part of which I missed, as I went hunting for a bowl to put the oil in.
Our lesson time went fast, and before long it was time to go back into the sanctuary so the children could be part of the baptism ceremony for Lilianna.
From Christians Unite Kids, Samuel anointing David as King
The lesson was about the prophet Samuel seeking out King for Israel. The next king was to come from the family of Jesse and so the father lined up six of his seven sons to see who Samuel would choose. It was not to be the eldest, Eliab, as many thought it might be, nor the next two Abinadab or Shammah, nor the next four sons.
The Lord said to Samuel, “Pay no attention to how tall or handsome he is. I have rejected him, because I do not judge as man judges. Man looks at the outward appearance, but I look at the heart” (Samuel 16: 7, The Good News Bible).
At last, Samuel asked, “Do you have any more sons?” (verse 11)
And so Jesse sent for his youngest son, David, who was out tending sheep.
Read the whole story here