Saturday Snapshot–Tea and Tales in March

The program and favours for Tea and Tales by Carol Leigh Wehking and Brenda Byers, storytellers from Baden Storytellers’ Guild
Brenda and Carol Leigh, the storytellers, at the Wired-up Pug Cafe and Bistro, Cambridge, Ontario
A celebration of World Storytelling Day, an international storytelling day for telling stories in many places.
Saturday Snapshots, hosted by At Home With Books. Go there to see more pictures and post your link. Photos you or a family member have taken. Keep them clean and appropriate for all eyes.
Photos on this blog are by C. Wilker, unless otherwise noted.
Gorgeous presentation! Sounds like a fun day….thanks for sharing, and also for visiting my blog.
Thanks, Laurel. I plan to bring this post to Carol Leigh and Brenda’s attention so they can read the comments too.
Looks like a lovely and fun event.
It was fun. Our storytelling guild put on a concert the next weekend in the local museum. More stories on Fate and Fortune. Each year the powers that be in World Storytelling choose a theme for the stories. Check the link in my post and find next year’s theme then watch for events around the world.
This looks like a fun event and how fun to pair storytelling, tea and origami!
Carol Leigh and Brenda provided the folded paper fortune tellers and told us how to use them. I remembered doing this with my friends in school. We had a good time.
Looks like a fun event–can’t go wrong with tea and stories!
It was a good afternoon with fabulous stories on the theme of Fate and Fortune. The tea and tea biscuits were a nice addition.
Ooh I like the 4/Square place setters…wondering how they were used. My SS:
Our storytellers handed out the folded paper things. It’s just a little game and a bit hard to explain. Ask a friend to choose a colour, then a number and under the last flap, you get your fortune.
It looks like it was a lot of fun! I liked reading through your responses to the comments too. I haven’t been to a storytelling session (outside of children’s books being read to my kids at the library when they were little). I’m sure I would like it though. I remember calling the library story phone line every day when I was little, just to see if they had a new story recorded yet.
Thanks, Alyce. Hearing a story told by a storyteller is good. There’s no page turning to get in the way or trying the see the pictures because you see them in your head as the storyteller shares the story.
Alyce, I didn’t respond to your calling the library line for a story. What a neat idea! Someone had an ingenious idea.
Looks like a fun event — great pictures!
Here is my SATURDAY SNAPSHOT post.
Thank you, Melissa. We had a very good time. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I’m embarrassed to admit I hadn’t heard of World Story Day; I’ll be on the lookout next year. This looks like fun – thanks for visiting my blog too.
Don’t be embarassed, just think of it as learning something new, then enjoy the stories when you get a chance. I’m hooked on stories and tell too sometimes. Thanks for stopping by.
Love the table setting. World Story Day should be every day. 😉
Storytelling can happen any time and anywhere. Tell a story from the heart and you begin to understand the meaning of storytelling. There are many good books of stories. Thanks for stopping by.
What a fun day. I had no idea there was a World Storytelling Day either- a great idea.
The idea is to share stories with people wherever you are, even if there isn’t a concert. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Look around for an opportunity to tell stories and hear them. Try google and see if there are any activities near you. Thanks for stopping by my blog.