HomeUncategorizedSaturday Snapshot– A Cool Picnic at Bass Lake Provincial Park


Saturday Snapshot– A Cool Picnic at Bass Lake Provincial Park — No Comments

    • I would be curious to know. Whomever it was (likely more than one) had to be strong. Those tables are heavy as we noticed when we had to move one in our campsite.

    • Wouldn’t that be an interesting underwater picture with crumbs and things dropping from the table. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.

    • Interesting thought, Leslie. I wouldn’t know about the swim-up bars myself, except for seeing other photos. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  1. What a terrific shot. I enlarged it once, and then again. And STILL — not a single ripple on that water. It’s so still — that is really really gorgeous.
    As one blogger comments, it is poem-inspiring!

  2. Thank you for your kind comments and thank you for stopping by. Likewise your blog is like a mini history lesson, made all the more interesting by excellent photos.