Saturday Snapshots–Joe’s Scarecrows

Two years ago as we followed the Cabot Trail on our east coast vacation, we saw some of the most interesting sites.
Just before Cheticamp on the Cabot Trail on the western side of the island stood this field with scarecrows. They represented people in the communities and well-known personalities.
A message on a sleeve tells a story
Scarecrows join hands in a circle, the adults and the little people.
We could get our photo taken as one of them …
and my friend who was travelling with us chose this scarecrow.
We could join some of the scarecrows on a bike trek along the Cabot trail, so I thought I’d go along for the ride.
We walked around the circle trying to guess the famous ones and I think we got a few right. Apparently there had been trouble with vandalism and some scarecrows had to be recreated or repaired.
They’re out in that open field, exposed to the weather and the wind coming in off the ocean. Just in a field by the road.
As we were leaving we saw that the field was for sale. What’s happened to the scarecrows? Does anyone from Cape Breton know? What storyteller will tell this tale?
At Home With Books is host for this meme. Go on over and post your own photo or one a family member has taken.
Photos by C. Wilker
How fun! I hope the scarecrows survived!
Me too. I hope that someone kept it going. It was quite creative.
What a shame that people should vandalise them. My Snapshot is at
It is a shame when that happens. I’m hoping that someone in Cape Breton will see my post and let me know. It’ll be awhile until we get back there.
How fascinating. I love the interesting ideas people get to create and touch and maintain community.
To have a field of scarecrows not chasing away birds, necessarily, but for creativity, was in interesting idea.
What a great idea, and great pictures.
Entirely different than my usual idea of a scarecrow–in keeping birds and other critters out of the garden.
Is it bad that I find the scarecrows a little creepy? Too many horror stories, I think. Though I do love the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz, and if I was seeing the creative scarecrows on a sunny day I’d probably enjoy them!
Not bad at all, since some of them can be creepy. Some of these were rather odd to say the least, and others were kind of cool.
That is such a unique tradition. I’m not normally one who enjoys scarecrows, but the puzzle aspect of figuring out who they are supposed to be sounds like fun.
We’ve had some fun with scarecrows at home. When we had a basketball net attached to the garage, we made a scarecrow and put him in it for Hallowe’en. Not your traditional scare crow, but one in my husband’s coveralls, wool socks and one of his caps.
Let’s hope they did not leave the scarecrows to blow away in the wind!
Here’s my
Saturday Snapshot. I hope you will stop by!
I hope too that didn’t happen. I don’t know how often the creator of the scarecrows checked his field of pals.
Fun blog♫♪
What fun photos:)
That’s a great tradition I hope they’ve kept up. I like the idea of representing people from the community.
We thought it was an interesting concept. Thanks for stopping by.
Haha! What fun!
We thought it a novel idea. One that must have taken a great deal of time too.
At the pumpkin patch we go to every year, there are similar scarecrows with a bag of clothes next to them so people can dress them. Didn’t see any that creative though!
What a neat idea, offering the scarecrows as something to dress up. Thanks for stopping by.
Maybe it’s in the clothing offered. Thanks for stopping by.
How cool! I have never seen them before… I missed out!
Have you been to Cape Breton on the Cabot Trail? Near Cheticamp. Wonder if they’re still there.
Have you been to Cape Breton? Maybe they’re still there.
Wow – that is crazy-lookin’!! Fun pictures!!