Saturday Snapshot—when a shovel wasn’t enough to clear the snow

At Home With Books, a snapshot taken by you or a family member. Go on over to see more pictures in other places.
At Home With Books, a snapshot taken by you or a family member. Go on over to see more pictures in other places.
What a great picture! I spent a good part of my childhood in Ottawa and I seem to remember winters being a lot colder than now.
We still get some cold days, Trish, but not as much snow as I remember. Unless you were to go further north. Thanks for stopping by.
That would sure be a brisk way to face the day!
That it is! But it was quite common since there were no caps for the tractors like there are now. Dad dressed really warm.
See, I have a hard time even imagining that kind of cold. We just don’t get it in our area. I think it looks even colder in black and white. LOL
People farther north than we are experience even deeper cold, but I didn’t know it then and we dressed for the weather in snowsuits, lined jeans, layers, and warm hats, scarves and mittens.
Ooh, I’ll bet he was cold!
As I mentioned to Kay, we thought too it was cold. When he was done blowing out the lane, he came into the house for a hot drink and to warm up.
Brrr, cold!
Here is my Saturday
Snapshot post!
Nice photo! Our tractor/snowblower doesn’t have a warm cab either, but it’s still better than shoveling. 😉
That looks so cold. He must have dreaded that job.
The lane would have been too much to shovel, unlike a short driveway in town.
I don’t remember Dad ever complaining about the task, but then he liked hockey and skating, including in the outdoors. Bitter days were worse, I’m sure.
Thanks for stopping by, Marie.
And thanks for your comment too, Louise. I just realize I missed your name in there.
Great old photo..but it made me shiver just looking at it.
Thanks for stopping by, Lisa. It would have been cold. No wonder you’re shivering.