Social Media Idol?
I’ve been a member of the Small Business Community Network for a couple of years. We meet in the Small Business Centre at our City Hall each month except for a summer social in July and a break in August for vacation. In that time, we’ve had member presentations—I’ve taken a turn— and a number of special events in which we had speakers from outside our organization. Recently, we’ve been educated further on social media and how it will help our business.
Our organizers, Dave and Linda Ockwell-Jenner, must stay up at night thinking up all these ideas. This time they’ve planned a marketplace conference, complete with an idol contest which they announced at our recent summer social.
In a moment of possible insanity or extreme bravery, I signed up as a contestant for the Social Media Idol contest in the Marketplace Conference to take place this fall. Maybe it’s bravery, since I’m the first to sign up, maybe it’s … well I won’t go there. I hope others sign up too.
The contestants are to represent the following qualities: to be authentic, open, engaging, helpful, visible (which I’m still working on), and consistent. Being an editor, I know what it means to be consistent, but let’s see if it’s enough to secure votes from my friends and maybe people I don’t know all that well. Maybe in signing up, being first, others will be brave and sign up too. Seriously, there is no contest if there is only one contestant. A little competition—or a lot— makes a better contest.
Now it’s your turn. Go here to vote.