Book Lovers
My book piles, at any time, can include a bit of poetry, novels, gardening, storytelling, and health advice or kid’s books. My personal library includes all these categories too.
I received a posting this past week from a young woman named Amanda. Her project for one class included writing a blog. Her next step was deciding on the theme of her blog. She’s a reader, so she chose books, then wrote a blog posting about books she has read. And her next most important step was checking out other blogs, and she happened to find mine.
We both need extra book space to hold our collections. I have library books on my night table, on the side table in my office, and a few more on the coffee table. Some are borrowed books from someone else’s personal library, signed out and soon to be returned.
And what I also need to add is that maybe once a year, I go through my books and give some away to a book drive, and when I see a really good book at one of those sales or used book stores, I might add it to my collection as well.
Like people who crave chocolate, we love books, only we devour the stories and thoughts presented. If we only ever read books and never did anything else, I think then there’d be a cause for a dedicated group like Book Lovers Anonymous. It’s only a problem if we stay cloistered in our rooms, surrounded by our books, and never go anywhere.
So go out there and enjoy life too. It could be something to write about!