daffodils, hyacinths and other pretty flowers

The flowers are blooming, especially the daffodils. My husband noticed how they seem poised to look in every direction. I hadn’t really thought of that before.
The hyacinths and narcissus [shown last post about gardening] are past their prime blooming time, but they were attractive a week ago.
The daffodils share a bed with grape hyacinths and snow-in-summer. I love the mix of yellow, purple and white in the same flower bed.
Grape hyacinths have come up by the dozens. Snow in summer nearby too, just starting to open.
The bearberry [uva ursi arctostaphylus] has little red buds, and the bleeding heart is set to open its many blossoms. Photos of them another day. How I love spring!
Grape hyacinths. So that’s what they’re called! The name makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?
Hi Barb,
Yes, the name is perfect. Otherwise they’re known as muscari. I just learned they are part of the lily family.
They mulitply easily too, so I dug some out and will put them in a new bed for next spring.